Ok, i am still not really enchanted by the idea of big, expensive and slow infantry blocks moving up on the board. I know that they make a mockery...
First off, never ever post individual point values, please read the forum guidenlines. WHFB may be dead, but GW still holds the copyrights, so the...
They fare quite poorly, i must say. I still think that Skink skirmishers are our most proficient core choice against most matchups. The problem is...
Seems reasonable, i still feel that both have their merits in certain scenario's and that the best option is to own all the models (see what you...
Have been thinking about that as well, but it is hard to see the space for more Sauri. Skinks are simply necessary against WoC and DE, against...
Try reading some other posts how people post their lists, and please read the forum rules. NEVER post individual point values, even if you are not...
Don't know how much input you will get from this forum, we are mainly a WHFB forum. I do not play the game myself, but i have been playing with...
Having a tournament in a few days, am wondering what all the people here think of this list. I am expecting a lot of WoC and DE, mainly WoC. I...
Seems pretty reasonable and well thought out. I also thought of the addition of especially Ethereal units as very strong, most summons that you do...
Seems to be a great game, and a great writeup. Really seeing all the possibility that the enemy has with their flyers remains something that is...
It remains very hard to not be biased to your own army. Still have to commend you for stepping from the sidelines of yelling about how the rules...
I wholly disagree with this, as i feel that it makes for very bad customer behaviour. Pre ordering should never be something you should do, do not...
Well, am i not impressed by this. Models seem to just have been put on round bases, this is not even a real release tbh. No new models for as far...
Seems as if you have a good idea about what you want to do, i certainly think it can work! In very large games, 3K and up, priorities in game...
If you want to take a scarvet, consider giving him the Dawnstone, a GW, the Dragonhelm, a Cold one and LA. Budget version of your Scarvet, yours...
This is a pretty interesting discussion, i often field mine with spears, but if i get really short on points i see myself dropping them. COC are...
Solid list, in a non competetive enviroment, you should do great. Most people like GW's better on Scarvets and Oldbloods due to that sweet S7, or...
Go Kroak Bombing! I have a concept list of 2400 somewhere in the forum that would work if you somewhat trim it down. Core is 2 skinks with the...
It is not exactly a legal list, as it does not have 3 units. Characters do not count in this sense. Do not think a lot of people would fuss about...
Any army can beat any other army, i say that as a part time TK player so just know that i mean it. XD Some armies are more consistent then others,...