Or let me calculate my earlier statement, 24 shots, hitting on 6's, so 4 hit. Randomized 1.5 go to skinks, who do not die from it, so you should...
Even in groups of 12, i think chameleons have trouble taking down a sallie in one volley. Do not know how good sallies are in civil wars, i guess...
Some serious thread necromancy going on here, i am not going to complain as i absolutely loved that Thunder Lizard diarama, so great.
Would completely agree with you on that one, there is really no incentive to go for big units of heavy cav, they are also often very vulnerable to...
Seems like a solid update once again, only mild thing that might be added to the writeup is that they are best at guarding your flanks. I might...
It is a really unorthodox list, not much people shy away from our extremely good skirmishers, but i can see it work. You have a lot of blocks...
Well, do not let it get you down, they are absolutely good enough in the fun loving meta you describe ;). Most people that are active on the army...
There is a great list in the sticky area of the tactica area that covers all of them,, you should have no trouble understanding them if you use...
Sad to say this, but yes, in a competitive mindset one only takes COC as a delivery system. The 2 attacks they have do not make up for them not...
Wish this were true, the dreams.. I have now the +3 attack sword plus a GW, 7 attacks on S7 for a mere 240 points on a 1+ rerrolable Oldblood on...
Think that if you are going to a tournament, you will not have a lot of succes with the list as it is standing if the lineup is strong. I will go...
A friendly Skink Cloud list, well, there is a contraditio interminis if i ever saw one, Skink Cloud is the most competetive way you can play LM,...
Damn, you are the first one i have ever hear who said that! Closest i cam was failing the first roll and then rolling triple 5's, close, but they...
Soon is then indeed a relative term, well see it when it comes out i guess. Still, you should have a contingency plan for DP's as you mentioned,...
First off, i think the jaguar standard is weak in every case, and you should simply never use it. It is overpriced for what it does. Go for the...
Well, that is quite the post, let me react on this on a point by point basis, I do not think that our Sauri are better in every way when compared...
It is a pretty good list, as we have been over already ;). I like the idea of another Salamander, i really feel that 2 give a lot more certaincy...
Uhm, no? You give it to the Slann, it gives him the direct +1 LD. I really don't understand how someone can misconstrue how it works after i...
Yeah, that is a common misconpection. Good luck with the list, let us hear how it went.
Because your Slann is also the BSB, he can take a magical banner AND take other magical items. On him you put the Banner of Command, giving you +1...