Hi, lovely to hear that you are new to WHF battles and that you are still trying the good old game out, not everything has been trampled in the...
There is no need for this, imho, untill we have good balancing rules. The army list forum fanatics were there in my perspective because they...
One other thing, after doing the demo's today, it seems that there is no rule stating that you cannot re rollen rerolls. Check the rules, id love...
http://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Compendiums/warhammer-aos-bretonnia-en.pdf Best new rule, for the grail knights, i am not kidding...
Well, we seem to be able to summon a lot of units and everything has changed. Still, can't really comment, as it all does not compare to anything.
Got it. Damn. NO POINTS!
Also, anybody else staying up to see our new rules? Already 12 AM here, just another hour for it to be that time in the UK. Wondering if they will...
On the leaked books everyone can read you can see that there is already a scenario where you ''bring whatever you want'', so that bodes ill. I...
This will indeed not work against Dwards, so i will not keep hammering that one home. This is a fast list, hammering it home on the charge. You...
How it looks like, it might very well be the truth. WIth the current rules, it is inherently completely unblanced, way worse then before. You...
Every model is Legalos, obv. You can also fire into CC, as there is no rule that actually stops you from doing that. You have to be in range, you...
Might give some insight in this, i have the rules with me as i will be giving a demo of this game in my local hobbey store. I have played some...
But, which side won? :O
My lord, i thought me an my friends were the only one doing that. Sorry for the off topic, but that is hilarious, the last time we watched saving...
After reading the lot, it seems the game has simplified a lot. No more casting system, just roll 2 dice and beat the power level of the spell. No...
Yeah, i really agree with @Irish_Lizard , why not put the BSB on your Slann? It is such a stupendously good feature of our army that we can have...
I can imagine that being very annoying, but not everybody is the kind of guy to use that to their own advantage, or people do not even seem to try...
He is reasonable, but he also plays in tournaments, and you cannot begrudge someone for trying to get that extra mileage out of their army. I do...
I almost always take the banner of Eternal Flame with my all comers list on my TG, the cons are a lot less then the pros. My meta has a lot of...
Well i can only agree to that, i am more then happy to let you have the last snarl at this before people start taking sides. It all comes down to...