I believe B, as i already stated in my post about Kroakbombing. The fact that you target enemy units does not change anything about that you...
Did you just quote the single word hope from me? XD I think that the end times will be an optional way of playing the game, as it is now. Certain...
It seems that if you look at it from that perspective, you drown out another army, and thus you might make the LM army to powerfull from a...
We are not Ogre kingdoms, we have a lot more versatility. The main drawback of playing ogres is that you have only a few models, the infantry you...
So much choppy in one unit. Think it will be a great looking army, especially if your Krok centrepieces are finished. :)
Maybe it is something to keep in the back of our minds when we have to write our own 9E armybook, i think it would flesh out our core choices...
Nice writeup, landslides are always very easy to write down. I feel like your opponents bigest mistake charging a unit of 70 sauri with Birona's...
An even more interesting poll would be one asking how much your attitude towards them would change if they are core. I never play Krox, i prefer...
For me it was mostly playstyle, i started with TK and i really loved the magic, but i wanted some stronger models to back it up for me. LM did...
Is the base size the same however, i think not. ;)
I do sortoff like the look of out, while the price is ofcourse completely absurd, but this is to be expected in Forgeworld. For the price of their...
The details about ASF, ASL and charging are really things we will have to wait for. It switched around a lo tthe last editions, i like the current...
I dont actually think the release is far out, my local store clerk told me nothing is being stocked anymore, they are waiting for the new...
While browsing Forgeworld i found out that there is actually a lizardmen model on there. I don't think it's legal in most tournaments, but the...
This is certainly an interesting start, but what about larger units of Sauri? I have read multiple examples of people using units of 40, or even...
Seems like you had a good game, less clutter is certainly neccesary for the game to be more clear, and you always need more photos. Also, i can't...
With this list, you just want your krox smashing all game long. I just wonder where your Slann will go, do you have points for the Ethearal...
I wrote this list mostly to really abuse the ‘’gimmick’’ of the Kroak bomb, if I wanted to play in a tournament, I would 100% check if the rules...
Ok, so it seems that the oppinions about Tetto are mixed. I think ill try this list, will be fun.
I felt like it to field my entire army for one time, and i found some people at my local club to play against. I will be up against 2 to 3 players...