Some interesting points being made here, i personally think that the two strongest lists in the competetive meta right now are the warlock,...
I certainly would not mind meeting over a beer to settle this argument once and for all with a fellow lizard, but living in the Netherlands while...
It does not state otherwise in my oppinion, as it does not state that it can hit things in close combat. I feel that rules must directly...
2 extra models are not going to matter in the greater scheme of things.. just put them outside of the tray if you have the points to spare, or...
It's only because of that little poem in your signature that i answer this question! ;) Field them in 6x5 for maximum ammounts of attacks and...
You can just put him in the unit, you don't need every model to be on the tray for the tray to be usefull XD. Just put him in the cavalry if he...
Oh, i see where we have a misunderstanding here, i would never field less then 20 sauri in one unit.Make it one unit of 32, or shave a bit to make...
I would still only field Sauri on and above 20, but the gist of the list is good. I also always try to field double salamanders to make them more...
Oh please, do not bring predatory figther into this! :O ;). I do think this matters a lot, but even though it is a grey area, the rules are...
I'm sorry to say so, but i would never ever field Sauri under 20, that is one of my rules of thumb with this edition of LM. Having movement trays...
Loremaster means he has acces to all the spells of a certain lore, in Tetto's case the lore of heavens. If you still have difficulty with the...
I do think you cannot say it can target units is CC, page 31 of the BRB states that spells cannot be cast into CC unless otherwise stated, and...
That seems a reasonable explanation, but when i play this list i see it as a ''fun'' list. I want all my lists to have at least a bit of bite, if...
You have quite a lot of miniatures for 1K, that is good. First i'd like to give you some basic tips, for starters you almost never field units of...
Why, what would he do? In this list, i want to stay back, deny zones with my TG and blast away with Kroak. His main thing is his Vanguard, which i...
Thanks, you are right. I swapped around some things, to bad i cant use the Ironcurse. I tried fitting in a BSB with maybe the amulet, but i cant...
This is a list that shows that in generally strong lists (which i believe LM is one off) you can really take other things and go off the meta and...
One very cheesy tactic in the book is the Kroakbomb, and i intend to surprise some people with it in semi-competetive, fun games. Interested in...
In low points, your Oldblood would be a major beatstick. I would get him in combat with the biggest and baddest asap. you do field him in a small...
Well, did i get burned hard there. You are right ofcourse, ill play it differently from now on. :)