This is actually quite a big rulechange, it made things like the Shadestar impossible in combination with some other rulechanges
Also did you know that Razordons and Salamanders get swiftstride when their handlers are all slain because they are warbeasts? They also get a...
Did you know that flaming attacks grant you rerolls to wound when assaulting a building? This is actually quite a big deal in tournament...
The TK Scorpions have KB and PS from themselves,, but Nightbringer is right in the fact that it does not stack. Thank god it does not, that would...
You are welcome @Scalanex , it is no trouble. The notion that i am still writing can be deleted now i think? For the rest, i think this is one of...
You are ofcourse right, i just meant that skink fire is not completely wasted on this guy. even a single wound will be more then worth an entire...
162x7=1134, so i guess not. XD Skinks can shoot on him multiple turns (hopefully), so their fire is still not completely wasted. The best response...
I often just forget them, and they telegraph so much of what you want to do in a turn that your opponent can often twart your potions by simply...
It is interesting for you to say that, and i guess that meta is also very important in the considerations that go into this list. How large are...
Seems like you had a god time, congratulations! Quite a lot to say about the games, as anything, but i feel you played your comp well most of the...
Seems like a fine initiative, i do not agree on every point, and i feel that the idealism is real in this petition,, but why not try?
Seems like the list works as it should! Do not feel let down because your units are not doing that much of the actual killing, but do note that...
Light for when you have a lot of sauri, Life is for when you have a lot of monsters. I tend to run more sauri then monsters, so Light. The other...
I guess you can sortoff protect your units up to a certain point. A savvy opponent would try to take out tettoeko, your monster, your chameleons...
70 sauri, that is taking things to the next level. I feel like that this list is like a bulldozer, it completely demolishes everything in its...
Could very well be, i might use double Ancients some time again soon to test out your tactics, but i feel that i prefer mine.
I do not really see how they benefit from the monstrous support rule as you would always put them in front, i know of no way to bring sallies in...
I agree, there are a lot of spells and special things that the Skaven can hit you with. The dreaded 13th is the biggest danger, especially if your...
Great, then there is lots of room for improvement! You should go for 4 units of 10 man skink skirmishers, all with javelins and shields, no...
Seems like a solid starter list. Your scar vet is as optimized as it gets and he will be a beast in battles, esp with spells like Wyssans or...