Wow! Those are some beautiful paint jobs. It's a labor of love.
Hi @Eau_de_Neil. I happened upon this image and I thought it might be good inspiration for your pink/purple skinks. [IMG]
You know, I wasn't quite sure that pink was going to feel intimidating on Skinks, but I really like how you balanced it with the darker colors....
At first I thought this image was in the wrong forum. Then I realized it's just a partially collapsed building. As I think @NIGHTBRINGER might say...
Ha ha. I guess I was a bit too vague, but I was trying to be clever. It is the latter. Men can make women angry by saying nothing and they can...
Holy smokes! That was a fast paint job!
It could be a new Khorne battletome. Isn't their book rather old, too? It could be Skaven, but... I would rather have new Skaven & Seraphon...
You can often find models at Ebay stores, or even look into 3D printed models on sites like Etsy. But, I understand if you want to support your...
Surprised. It's Nighthaunts and DoK. Nighthaunts get some crossbow spooky boiz. Both sides get a new hero. The DoK sculpt looks a bit dull to me....
I couldn't remember where I saw it, but @Warden found the painter of the voodoo skinks a while ago. Here is the forum page with the link....
BTW, the new Avatar of Khaine was already revealed today, in case anyone missed it. [IMG]
I'll be surprised if AoS news is more than just updated battletomes for Idoneth and Fyreslayers. I guess they could reveal the new narrative to...
When I think "Polynesian" I see more pastel or bright colors; bright greens, aqua/teal, pink/coral/orange, with pops of yellow or red. But, I get...
Love it! I agree that it is a great model and you've done such a nice paint job. I like the dark blue/black crystal in the staff. It's a small...
Lol. Yeah, I guess I'm not very aware of several mini companies. I've been laser focused on Lizards since I got back into Warhammer, now Age of...
I wouldn't say no. I've always liked traditional Dwarves and I assumed they would be easier to find. I know Lost Kingdoms has newer 3D Chaos...
Thank you @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl! These are all very helpful suggestions. I haven't heard of Dragon's Lake or Fireforge, so I look forward to...
Where would you get your dwarf miniatures for a traditional fantasy dwarf army? Probably still GW? LotR are on the smaller scale. Scibor's are...
Great looking minis. You know, when I see this image of the Brutes all together I think they look pretty good.