I agree. I was hoping for a little love for Saurus Warriors, Rippers & Razors. But, I assume White Dwarf isn't quite the platform for GW to change...
Well, it can be said that those are some 3.0 rules for Seraphon. :rolleyes: Honestly, I haven't played 3.0 yet, so these might be good? It is...
Thanks! It's cool to see a different color scheme for the Carnosaur. At least I haven't seen one quite like this before.
Oooh... I really like this Carnosaur color scheme so far. Sorry to be a broken record, but I'd be interested in your paint colors/steps for this...
Nice! He is a great painter. I do think the Lizard alternatives from Last Sword are pretty cool.
Started to assemble just the body on my Stegadon last night, only to realize that my glue is low and I guess starting to get a little thick/slow....
Great work on the KO unit! The weathering/patina on the metal looks very natural. I really like that touch of purple.
I'm gradually putting together my first Stegadon mini.
Ummm... what?