Whoa! I'm not very clear on all of the 3.0 rules, but since these are "fighting stances" can you still issue and/or receive commands? For example,...
Agreed. I didn't care that much when I was a kid that Boba Fett's defeat was goofy, but I see it now. Also, to be fair, I thought ALL of those...
Lovely on both models! I agree that the colors are nice and bright and it's a clean paint job. It looks like Contrast paint? Did you use Juan...
Again, the same as my list. Although, I must confess, if I took these one at a time without knowing what pairing was coming next, I might have a...
One off the wall idea I had was to alter the Slann warscroll and model. Give the Slann about 5 more Wounds, bringing it to 12 total; I know that's...
EDIT: Sorry, a redundant post about rumor engines that I thought hadn't been mentioned. As always @Imrahil is on it.
Those are SUPER cool @Imrahil! From what miniature line are they?
What's interesting is that I think being able to ignore -1 Rend, like we did in AoS 2, would be useful in 3.0. That coupled with All Out Defense...
Thank you. [IMG] Thank you! Hmm... a Skink on a Carnosaur.
First, the units are looking good @Kilvakar. I'm rather envious of the Woogity Krox too. The "Kroxigor" from Last Sword Miniatures look kind of...
Look what just happened! 1,000 messages. Only a minor feat compared to the rest on this thread, but pretty good for just a skink. [ATTACH]
Welcome to Lustria. You've chosen a great army in Seraphon/Lizardmen. Seraphon might take a bit of play to understand them, but are lots of fun...
So, it looks like my group might be trying the One Page Rules - Age of Fantasy rules sometime soon. When you build your army, there are certain...
It looks like my game group will be trying this out sometime soon. If/when we do, I'll post something here.
Where every good lizard buys things... the Amazon! ;)
I agree. I don't really have a problem with Star Trek or Star Trek memes... but Vader might. ;)
I just played a game yesterday with practically all Saurus. My unit of 30 Warriors were charged on round 1 by Prince Vhordrai and a Coven Throne....
And yet the Original Trilogy, it's still the best set of movies to me.
I love Star Wars more than Warhammer... but those Stormtroopers are screwed! Alternatively... When the Emperor tells you to take over a ship,...