A whole bag of "Shh" with your name on it, I have.
You should put him in a Patriots hoodie. His expression already matches Bill Belichick. :p [IMG]
Simple and potentially effective. It just feels like a 3+ save should go onto Guard.
Good luck! As you get your lizards painted, please feel free to post them in the Painting forums on the site. We'd love to see them :)
Possibly changing the Oldblood's command ability or the Koatl's Claw sub-faction command ability to give Saurus (or just Warriors?) run and charge...
Saurus Warriors have felt in an odd place next to Skinks for a while; even before 3rd. Based on what I've absorbed from folks on the site, it...
I guess I missed that bit of news from them, or just misunderstood when they released Warhammer+. Sorry if I got the thread off track.
I can't think of a better reply from you, sir. Well done. ;)
I saw a review from Red Letter Media ("Half in the Bag") who said that it was bad, but almost bad in a good way... you'd have to watch the review....
A silly question from a naive skink, but can the 8th edition rules be found online somewhere?
Yeah... bummer. I was just hoping they wouldn't. :(
I just saw this screen on the Warhammer+ 2022 teaser video. I hope GW won't put the apps behind Warhammer+, but that's sort of how it reads. [ATTACH]
Those are so cool... and potentially delicious!
@pawl I kind of like either one, but I lean a little more towards the green actually. On the color wheel, green is in between orange and blue (as...
To your color choices; I like the teal scales and orange body. It will be a bit more complex to paint, but I like the look. I know you're...
I assume all of this stuff is a little chunky to make it easier to resin print.
As a middling graphic designer, this rings all too true. Sigh...
I actually laughed out loud at that Cyclops image. I had never noticed that. :D
I know model speculation has been brought up repeatedly in this thread, but I think it's interesting. I agree that GW has options with Seraphon....
@NIGHTBRINGER Vince Venturella and crew speculate that AoS might see a Chaos Dwarf army in 2022 (or 2023). Although, I assume you might not see...