It does look very much like LRL, but I bet it could be an Eldar helmet.
Yes! :)
I wondered if this could hint to some kind of Skaven updates? Probably not since it's just a one-off mini.
Wood for the wood god?
That Christmas village is... in trouble.
Love it! [IMG]
That pouring water is insane!
I don't know that I fully agree with everything here, but I get where you're coming from. To your point, I wonder if they took "baby Yoda" out of...
I'm not so sure. I just noticed, although this may have been brought up already, that even the decorative circle around the images looks very...
I know this post is "late to the game", but I've liked this thread for a while. Seeing the posts always fans the flame of my nostalgia (for lack...
I like that big "T-Rex" and the smaller raptor. I wish they have more poses for the raptor (naturally).
I like it, but I wish the saurian was riding in the saddle. Last Sword has a raptor rider in a similar pose.
That looks like some Photoshop work. Lol.
Is that "Dak Ok"?
I might be nitpicking here, but I thought that so long as the Terradons were wholly within 12" of the Chief when they drop their rocks, the Chief...
I was a little uncertain, but looking online it seems like the rule is clear that every round you keep the Celestant Prime in reserve he adds 2 to...
Forgive my ignorance, but how do you play the Prime? Plus, can you actually field him in reserve if he's not in a Stormcast army? EDIT: Sorry, I...
I'd swear it looks somewhat like a helm. But that "axe-like" shape on the side is a bit confusing. Are those runes in the fire? So, new...
Agreed. With the tassel and gemstone, it does seem Elvish. I don't think it would be Vampire at this stage. Maybe this will end up being some of...
Yes, I think so. If you look in the lower right of the Starpriest "card/tab" on the warscroll builder, you can see the stats written out with 5...