Hayden Christensen ghost?... HA HA HA!
Pretty cool, but I do miss that classic lightsaber hum.
@Imrahil, that is an awesome set of terrain! It's totally built by hand from foam, is painted just lovely... AND it packs up neatly. I'm still...
This looks like a list you'll want to run in Koatl's Claw. Some things to consider: -Maybe drop Cogs and turn one of your Scar-vets into an...
That's a quality cross-over right there.
This was so true!
That's cool. I didn't want to make you second guess. I agree that Burning Head is a cheap MW spell. I was just asking to get your input about the...
This looks tough. Do you think you'd get any benefit from either Cogs or Palisade as opposed to the Burning Head?
You might consider Kroak, or even a generic Slann, as your general for the extra D3 conjuration points and the ability to have units start off in...
It might be good to consider making the Slann your general. That way you generate D3 more celestial conjuration points each turn. To that point,...
I changed up this list fairly significantly, but it would have made little difference. I lost to Soulblight on turn 3 without my opponent even...
This looks like a very solid TL list and a lot of fun to play. Most of the suggestions I can make are cosmetic, and are often borrowed from the...
Gotcha. An army can have both 1 artefact AND 1 mount trait (on an eligible mount), for free. To get more of either requires enhancements.
Hi @Clint Moll. The Warlord Core Battalion grants you the option of an extra enhancement. One of the enhancement options is an artefact. You can...
Thanks for the advice. Not having boltspitters was a typo on my part. I forgot to change their weapons in the warscroll builder... or notice it...
I'd appreciate any input or advice. Thanks. Allegiance: Seraphon - Constellation: Thunder Lizard - Mortal Realm: Ghur - Grand Strategy: Pillars...
What's the added strength of msu cavalry for you? Is it being able to issue their own commands, or not having to worry about coherency, or...
Can I just pick Luke? Ha ha.