I really like your slann, very creative with the base and the colour scheme is something I've never seen before on a slann. Really nice work on...
Hujrry up and get those pics uploaded to photobucket!!! :mad:
That's one good looking slann yoou've got there Asrodrig!!! Can't believe it's actually just only WIP!!! I want to see more... You should also...
Ramramm is right about Chakax. I think that it's definitly not in the spirit of the special character though. It should be FAQed or clarified.
I've never seen you Slann and I really like what he's standing on. I would love see some other shots in order to get a better idea of what you did.
Hey! Nice work man! I suggest you keep working so you can give us more updates :D. Also, you should move your topic to the Army blog section of...
I think Mixer covered some interesting points. Since you use light, I would drop one Scar-Veteran to boost your Saurus units. You can't bring them...
I think Slann and effectiveness all comes down to personnal preferences. About the disciplines, some most people use the same you use, but a lot...
Yeah I settled for black on my test model and I must say that I'm please with the look it has so far. I'll be posting WIP photos of my test model...
I think I'll settle for brown, I don't want to spend ages on a spear shaft, I'm already a VERY slow painter hahaha. That bamboo idea sounds really...
I might just end up going for black, trying to actually do something really nice with no texture is probably out my painting skills :D.
I'm trying to figure out what colour to paint the spear shaft. Looking at some GW photos, it sometimes looks black, but that would make it pretty...
Re: Lord Pacha-Kamak's army - My painting log @ Lizardninja: Thanks for pointing out my mistake, you can tell I was never good at math :oops:...
Re: Lord Pacha-Kamak's army - My painting log Took some photos of one of my skink skirmishers. Might have to get some better lighting... Also...
Since this new forum was created, I decided to re-create my army painting log. I've been busy lately setting my painting space up and I'm happy to...
I would tend to favor Arli's interpretation as well. Then again, I'd really like to have a copy of the rulebook at hand to check out the exact...
You could move mine as well, the link is in my signature! Thanks a lot for taking the suggestion in consideration and making it happen :D. And...
http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/lazoxoatls-army.1431/ http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/dumbledores-army-army-shots-and-new-work.1669/...
Hey guys, I've seen a lot of other forums that have an army paintlog subforum. I think it would really help to keep trace of PLOG if we added such...
- How did you use your terradons? They are great for taking out archers/lone characters, while chameleons are better at attacking warmachines. I'd...