IMO, at 4000 pts, you need way bigger blocks of infrantry. 20 Saurus isn't big enough when you might be facing 80+ strong blocks of stuff!!!! So,...
If he can't cast the dreaded 13th spell on mixed units, you are better off hiding all of your Krox in skink units. A unit of 6 Krox vs that spell...
Looking really good so far! Only thing is IMO, he is a little bright for a dark elf, then again, he's not finished!
Real nice once again!. I'll be aiming at a similar scheme with my hand weapon and shields saurus, mind explaining what you did?
I really like the scheme, you did a really good job! The only thing I would change is the spear shaft. Maybe paint it black or really dark brown....
At 1k pts, I would take only 20 Saurus in one unit and drop the remaining 10. This frees up enough pts to get a Scar-Vet in your unit and have him...
Yeah the idea was to bend it a little before finishing it with green stuff :D. Thanks everyone for the advice and I will let you know how it turns...
Hi everyone, I've been wanting to convert some regular skinks into chameleon. I'm gonna need to bend some of the tails before actually making them...
Lizardmen cheese list : Tooled up slann in TG unit. Minimum core in big saurus block/(s) Max out rare with units of 1 salamander to burn down the...
Here's a draft of a 2250 pts that's looks fun to play with and against. Constructive critism welcome!!! Slann Mage-Priest Focus of Mystery The...
Looks like a VERY competitive list. I would try personally drop one unit of chameleons in order to free some points for a unit of terradons. With...
I think the stegadon and the slann are some of the best I've seen in a long while. I really like the green stegadon, I'm planning of painting mine...
Re: Rokanos' WIP Lizzy Host (updated with new pics!) Amazing work on the Stegadon!!! Makes me doubt my green scheme for him!!! Might have to buy...
I would never take a Slann without the Focused Rumination. It lets you turn an avergae magic phase into a devastating one. I think the EoTG is a...
Nice looking list, the EoTG might be useful vs WoC but it will probably be very vulnerable vs the dwarf army. Other then that, I like the list,...
Looks like a pretty solid list. I'd get at least one unit of skink skirmishers instead of 2 units of skink cohorts. Double tap stand and shoot is...
I made this one kitbashing a battalion box. [attach] [attach] Weapon is from the CoC sprues, armor pieces from the Saurus sprues. You could...
Those shots actually do justice to your painting! You did a good job on the vet. I recommend basing the model ASAP as it will really bring out the...
Wow those ''chameleon'' look really nice!!!! I'm not too sure. He looks good but it's not a color I would have gone for. To each is own ;). Looks...
It's looking real good for a first skink. I like the contrast you used with the blue skin/red cloak, it makes the model stand out more. I think...