It's hard to tell because the picture is a bit blurry, but the painting looks good. I would definitely like to see more with better shots! Keeps...
High Elves dragon princes are the 1st unit that come to my mind. I think there is a bannr that provide a strong ward save vs flaming attacks but I...
I like to have one block with HW and shield and the other one with Spears and shield. That 6+ parry save has proved itself VERY worthy against...
I like taking an ancient stegadon and a scar-veteran instead of the EoTG, you give a saurus block some extra punch and the ancient stegadon is...
I quite like the list. 2 Stegadons is nice but be warned! They will take a lot of enemy fire!
Make one big unit of saurus instead of 2 small ones. Ditch the ranked skinks and make them skirmishers. Your Slann should always take Focused...
I used 2 units of 30 last time vs Chaos Daemons, units were 5 wide x 6 deep. Both units never broke due to having more ranks and it alllowed me to...
Also remember that some armies don't have canons and might worry A LOT about the Stegadon. It takes ennemy fire away from the saurus block and...
I'm a big fan of the ancient stegadon so I'd get one. I also never leave home without skink skirmishers, they are cheap and really good, I'd bring...
Excellent battle report, looks like a hard fought victory! One thing to remember going up against O&G is that all orcs have T4 or better . It...
I personally like to give my Scar-Vets ASF weapons in order to take enemy characters down. As for your list, I'd try to fit in more TGs and...
Looking forward to seeing your work! And welcome to the boards!
You have a slow army, with no shooting/skirmishers to help your big blocks of infantry make it to the ennemy. Unless you are facing a pure close...
I use my saurus 5 wide and 6 rank deep. Makes me stay in combat forever and nullifies a lot of attacks from big unit. I feel like you start...
I wouldn't drop skink skirmishers. Your Slann is a bit expensive to my taste but I understand you are playing a tournament list and that your are...
Agreed with Vapor on the Champion. For the Skink Skirmishers, NEVER take anything but blowpipes. More attacks with poison is what you want!
That's one nice looking list. I'd try and find a way to squeeze in one last unit of Skink Skirmishers, maybe by dropping your chameleon units down...
I have to say I personnally like the Ancient Steg a lot. The 2 blowpipes are really nice to have and T6 with stubborn makes the Steg hard to get...
True the Slann I suggested costs 26% of the army so is illegal. If you plan on using Lore of Life, drop the Cupped Hands and you'll be fine. To...
I used HW/Shield Saurus for the 1st time last night vs Chaos Daemons and I must say they did a terrific job. I will always field 1 unit of each...