That is one sweet looking salamander unit!!!! Great army you have so far, it would be coolif you could take a shot of the army as a whole.
Ok one thing you must always remember is that Dark Elves are T3 and most units are lightly armored. With that in mind: - Take all the salamanders...
Looks like a solid list to me. You seem to have identified your weak points so you can play your games accordingly. Those chameleons will take...
If you plan on running the Skrox unit as a horde, make it bigger as it is very likely that it will be thinned down by shooting/magic before...
Nice looking list. I'm not sure about the lvl 2 Skink Priest. From what I've seen, a single level 4 mage looks like the best way to go for...
Ok so here goes Gomek. - About the Slann, it will depend a lot on who I am facing I guess. I can always switch depending on my opponent. - The...
I think I like the 1st list better, mainly because you have 2 salamanders, my only gripe with your mounted Scar-Vet is that he'll strike last in...
Fist of all, thanks for all the constructive criticism. I've taken everything into account (except the CoC, I want those in my army :D) and went...
That's a good idea, it's a good way to get my 6th chameleon and spend my remaining points. Anyone else???
Slann - 320 pts - Lore of Life - The Becalming Cogitation - Cupped Hand of the Old Ones Saurus Old Blood - 221 pts - Shield - Armour of Destiny -...
Those Krox look really nice!!! Can't wait to see a better shot of the base. Keep us updated with your progress!
You can't have a magic armour and a magic shield. I think protecting the Slann is essential, but high STR attacks won't really help the Scar-Vet...
I'm pretty sure that it's how the rule was intended to be in 8th. It would have been easy to copy/paste the 7th edition rule :p. Maybe there will...
Yeah I'm a little ambivalent about fielding an EOTG now. I really wanted and planned on getting one, but it seems to me that it has become more of...
Incredible work on the body and scales. I like the match with the shield but the spear needs a little something at the moment. It looks a little...
You can't have 2 dragon helm. Also, your Old Blood can't have the Gambler's Armour and the Maiming Shield since you can only have one piece of...
This has changed in 8th edition, see page 102 of the BRB. Really, a challenge now is the way to take out a Slann.
Looks like a solid list. You seem to have what it takes to counter pretty much anyone. How's the EOTG now? Is he really worth forsaking Scar-Vets?
2 things here at first glance: - 16 TG is smallish, I'd get 20 or 24. - I'd find a way to fit in a Scar-Vet in either a Saurus block or the TG....
Not so sure about having 2 stegadons. Other then that, I like it!