Those horned skinks looks cool!!! Keep it up!!!
Not sure what you mean by unit fillers...
I think your Skink brave actually looks pretty good. I think that if you give him a couple of washes, he'd look great! I particularly like what...
Feels like I'm repeating myself but here goes: - I pledge to paint 12 skinks skirmishers!
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far...(Magnitizes Steg Finished) Incredible job, every time I see a stegadon on Lustria Online, I can't help but...
Anyone knows where to find those nice looking 6th edition Kroxigors? I like them a lot more then 7th Ed models and would like to find some. I...
There was a Ghoast HE army in WD 284 or 285. It was a VC srmy using converted HE models. The colours were REALLY good. Maybe you can try to check...
It looks like the basic GW Lizardmen color scheme. There is an article on the canadian GW website on how to achieve that color scheme. I'll try to...
I've been thinking about using astronomicon grey (one of the few GW paint I actually own) as the light color for my scales (highlight on the...
Re: My army - Painting Blog It's the picture, the saurus as a drum stick and nothing in the other hand yet. Thanks for the comments on the...
You did a great job with that Old Slann!!! Great job, keep us updated with new pieces of your army!
Thanks for that picture, I looks a lot like what I was planning to do!
Hey guys! I'm trying to paint my saurus with a color scheme similar to what can be found on page 77 of the army book, the 5th saurus on the 2nd...
Sharingan eyes of the Uchiha clan.
Thanks for all the answers so far, you guys have given me many ideas!
So who paint them like human eyes??? Who goes for 1 color for the whole eye?? If so, which color???
After failing last month, here's my pledge: - Paint 10 skinks skirmishers
Flyers is the type of unit you are missing, but it would be very hard to fit in unless you drop the Scar-Veteran.
I agree with Chamen, make 4 units of 10 skinks, much more versatile. I like the rest of the list, just be sure to protect that Slann.