First of all, that's an excellent pun. :pompus: Second of all, regular super glue should do the trick. As long as you're not using an insane...
As much as I agree with you, I still have to call you out on this.
I would swap out your Chief's Ancient for a regular Steggy. That way you can boost your Core points. Also, you can't field Razordons with only 2...
Ya, they've been there for a while. They were added just after the latest Army Book came out, IIRC.
My latest idea is to model them to look like they're sitting in a tree, ready to pounce. :bored: :pompus:
I second what Strewart said. (He is, after all, a champion) 8) If you're taking a Slann, it's never a bad idea to take a Shaman or two for...
I see where you're coming from, and your idea should work out just fine. :D
Hmm, nice stuff. They look a little too demonic for my tastes, but still really excellently painted! :D
Amazing! It looks a lot more spacious than the real Stegadon model. :D
Good idea, and really nicely painted, as always. :D
Yea, magic is never a bad thing to have, especially if you plan on facing any magically lacking armies, like Brettonia. While a Skink Priest is no...
Hmm, well it's made from scrap foamboard and an old canvas board for the base, so it's definitely one of my cheaper projects. The plants were the...
Welcome to the site! Make sure you read teh roolz. :P
I lurv it! It really captures the character of the old 5th ed. model! :D
When you think about it, what in the Lizardmen army would you not be scared of? You've got dinosaurs with Spears, little dinosaurs with blowpipes,...
My advice would be to magnetize it. That way you can field any combination until you find one that you like. Personally, I quite like the Priest...
Here guys, check out this temple that I just made. [attach]
There is a guy on TPV who modeled his Terradons so that they look like they're walking on the ground. I'm not so hot on the idea, but it certainly...
So I recently let one of my friends (who plays DE) take a gander at my Lizardmen Army Book. She brought up something interesting, though. She...
Awesome work man!