Welcome to the site, Eternity Warden! :D
Nice stuff! :D
Yea, good luck trying to fit 5 Skinks up there lol. :D
Hello and welcome to the forum! :D
I am. Interested in supporting the cause?
Good work bud! Keep it up, and you'll be running the place soon! :D
<.< Spamz0rs, much? Keep this sort of thing to yourself in the future.
Hey, I'm just looking for a single Clanrat. If you have a spare one, PM me and we can work out a trade.
Excellent work, Jormi! I quite enjoy your battle reports!
Nice to see ya, bud! ;) Here's the FAQ thread that strewart was talkin' about:...
I've seen ones before where a guy took metal wire, drilled holes in the models' backs (he was using the old metal Horned Ones models) and then...
The one thing to be careful of is that accursed 'Always Strikes First' BS, which is sort of redundant due to our urine-quality Initiative. At any...
I like it! And I don't mind that tree either. There's only so much a guy can do to make something look like it's real, right?
I keep all my models WYSIWYG just to stave off the confusion that would undoubtedly arise if I didn't. And it is a good practice to keep up if you...
Most tournaments say the end result has to be 75% Citadel. I think you could get away with it. And if you can't, then GS your own.
You could always pick up one of these puppies for added Salamander-ness:
Re: 300 point club - June Submissions due July 7th! Nice work, Suppe!
No, you can only have one option on each Stegadon: Engine, Bow, or Blowpipes.
Really liking your models!
Welcome to the site!