Greetings, welcome to Lustria Online and LM from a fellow Aussie! About painting, almost everyone starts off as a beginner. Sure read plenty of...
I magnetized the shield arm on my TG to make them easier to paint down the line. Fairly simple task, but time consuming. Make sure you have the...
Those scales look awesome now! Great work on the carnosaur!
Yeah I don't mind the ghorgon too much... But overall, not impressive at all. Especially for the cost. The choices are weak in the Beast book...
Terror is no longer all that good... You will find that in 8th ed its not that useful for scaring opponents away. And the giant bows are fairly...
Screening is no longer effective since GW brought in true line of sight. If you can draw a line from your model to your target, you can shoot it....
Terradons are actually still useful and perfectly adequate warmachine hunters, they're just not as good as they used to be. They won't perform...
I actually don't think this scheme needs a contrasting colour really... But the simplest thing to do would be to just change the shades a bit. I...
There might be stuff on the GW website by now, should be. Otherwise the absolute best resource for it is the October White Dwarf, use any means...
Skinks that go in ranked units. In the core section you can choose either skink cohorts (ranked) or skink skirmishers, which are in skirmish...
Very cool colour scheme! They have a very aquatic lizard feel to them.
Re: Totzro's paintlog - Update 14/11 - Salamander conversion Thanks! No that doesn't happen, since it is at the back of the unit and usually the...
Wow ok, that is quite an unusual and interesting list. I think it is going to struggle to be honest. Against hordes, you don't have your own...
Welcome to Lustria Online! Your paint scheme looks very interesting, I'd be interested in seeing more photos from different angles. If you want...
I'm falling behind... Hot weather and just bought an xbox 360, plus several projects going at once. Better see if I can spare a bit of time soon...
It is a new design plan from GW, individual plastic characters that assemble in rather clever ways to allow plastic to have lots of detail. In the...
Read this. ;)
Re: Godel's Painting Log Very cool krox model! And you have given it a great paintjob as well. I might have to try to get hold of one. I think I...
Re: Totzro's paintlog - Update 20/11 - Unit filler Cool priest and unit filler. I had the same idea for a unit filler, I used a metal scar vet...
Mathhammer aside, having now played a bunch of games with both I am firmly in the hand weapon camp. The extra points from spears can be better...