Still the Slann. It is cast as if he is where the skink is, but thats it. Miscasts are back where the Slann is.
Your settings may be on the wrong timezone or not updated for daylight saving? Thanks for the link Avatar, it certainly is an art taking photos...
If you want a great weapon scar vet/oldblood use the Chakax model. Convert a bit if you want but it works well as he is too. Very cool model.
Are you a previous 40k player? That is one of the things that most surprises 40k players, along with a movement stat. As a rule, models don't have...
Very cool, great piantwork! It looks good.
It looks pretty good, nice work!
Yeah you don't really need an old blood until you want a carnosaur anyway. Scar vet can provide combat kills for a lot cheaper than the OB.
T'hinker'er is right though, really nothing to be gained except a potential 5 minutes of fame if they decide to post the pic on the blog or...
Agree with Agrem. You choose which characters go in the front, and when the choice is already made you wouldn't have to shuffle for an optimum...
Very cool looking skink! Great work.
I still find cheap heroes very much worth it. I tried buffed up scar vets, they worked well of course. But honestly not much better than scar vets...
Thats a good point, great post. As a counter, I will say that I have never really found my TG are able to take on elite of other armies on their...
Javs on cohort units, blowpipes on skirmishers. The other motivation for that is you don't spend extra points on what is a cheap throwaway unit...
Agree with this. Its about potential output. If you have blowpipes, and move and have long range, then you single shot and have the same...
I agree, not worth upgrading the skirmishers to have jav and shield. Stick with blowpipes on them. Jav and shield are ok in cohort units though,...
I attempted it. The solder didn't really flow onto the material very well, and its true that I was very worried about the model melting. Not...
I am resolved to working at least 30-60 minutes every day on mine, so I should be able to get finished. Converting done, base colours on howdah...
Re: Totzro's paintlog - Update 14/11 - Salamander conversion Very nice salamander! I am looking to make something similar except out of a...
Cool, thanks for posting! Looks like a decent technique. I want to add a tiny bit of detail about brushes. The most critical part of your...