Wow, that is very impressive! Nice work. Imotekh, see the bubbles at the bottom of his cloak? They aren't meant to be there even though they...
Re: Totzro's paintlog I quite like the orange spotted one in the bottom row actually.
It makes me sad to read things like this. GW screwed up badly with the QC on their resin range, if people get rubbish sculpts they should return...
Yeah you cannot deliberately hit units in combat or your own units. Of course there is a bit of a loophole there if there is another unit in...
Thanks for posting. Thats a decent little overview of the army as it stands now.
Yeah the Slann can cast magic missiles when his TG are in combat... But he cannot target the unit he is in combat with, correct? Because you can't...
Try resetting again, it should work. If it doesn't, then PM me with what you want as a temp password (don't give me any of your usual passwords)...
Welcome to Lustria Online! Glad you decided to sign up. You have a very impressive looking army, great work! I really like the stripes on the...
That looks good so far, great idea for the banner! Nice work.
They look very cool, nice work! My progress has stalled on the Heldenhammer.. I'll still try to get it finished this month, but the weather here...
It looks good, nice work! As with the Grey Knights though, I would suggest getting a bunch more wash onto this guy to add depth to every area.
No, that related to army composition. The page from our book we are ignoring is the one that says 2000 points - 0-1 lords, 0-4 characters etc....
Yeah it is fine having 2 units, it just means the Slann can choose which unit to join. However, as mentioned, there wouldn't be much advantage.
Stickying this thread, congratulations to the winners so far and this thread will act as great inspiration for new competitors and a good way to...
Cool, sounds like a good book! For those interested in Chaos Dwarfs, consider looking at the Mantic range called Abyssal Dwarfs. They are hybrid...
Even if a character is a flier, it still cannot join units of fliers unless it specifically staes in the book. For example, the LM book says a...
Yeah well of course if you put wash on something, and it runs off then a small amount is going to stay anyway and darken it a bit. I guess a...
Yeah I agree that those big damage spells are no fun to use, and definitely no fun to fight against. They were introduced as a way to kill hordes,...
Close. Rules as Written, and Rules as Intended.
Nah I haven't finished them yet. I switched to using charmeleon skinks in my army instead. And yes, I know I was going to post photos of them...