So thats the technical definition of an ink and a wash... As to the actual differences when you are using it; a wash acts more like a glaze. It...
Inks and washes are very differnet' I sometimes find inks more useful, other times washes. Also Lord Cedric, Vallejo has released washes now that...
That looks awesome! Pretty close to how I am doing my terradons too.
Alright, I can help you out. 1. Yes, 4 total, 2 with me driving (not sure which you wanted). 2. None* 3. None 4. - 5. No ('if yes, how many',...
Honestly, I am more interested in painting Dreadfleet when the mood to paint strikes me.. But, this would be a good excuse to do my EotG...
The Slann is powerful, no doubt of that. Easily among the best magic users in the game. But we do pay a lot of points to upgrade him, and an...
Exactly on 4. Also, going for one unit of each is a good idea. If you end up preferring one or the other, most opponents are ok if you mix the...
1. You will find that skink skirmishers are BS 3 not 4, so they do get to 7+ fairly easily. To be honest, I find that these guys are meant to be a...
Nice, they look good as a starting point and certainly some wash will add a lot of depth. I would probably stick with browns and blacks for most...
Hmm thats an interesting question. From what they said in the FAQ, I guess so. However, it would almost never actually matter. Only time it might...
Thanks for pointing that out, I've moved the thread to Rules Help. It is a rule in the 8th edition BRB and applies to every army.
The thought occurs to me.. Use target priority to your advantage. Throw him in at the front of a unit with one of your own units attacking, a...
It comes from 7th edition, I think it is still in the army book but it doesn't apply anymore.
Re: Borks slo mo blog Thats a cool looking lizard, I have seen a few orange and black schemes and they look great! Very volcanic. Good luck with...
You need to give us a bit more detail than that. What kind of list do you normally run? What kind of list do they normally run? Are there any...
Just remember if all your TG die, you need either a way to detach those 4 from the Slann, or a different Slann without them to place in, or at...
Either 1 or 2 would work. 1 would be easiest, and it really shouldn't confuse an opponent. Most people count bases across and deep rather than...
Nice croc steg! And very cool skirmishers units, great work!
They count as supporting attacks, so only 1 each. A unit 5X4 would get 10 for the first rank, 5 for the second, and 5 for the third for a total...
Very nice, I really like the greens in your terrain pieces! It looks good.