Yeah contact the store and see what is going on. However, I have heard GW has stopped selling metal models to many independent stores since the...
Nope, just the model holding it.
Yeah it might be hard to squeeze those things in at 1500 points. The other problem is if you use a chunk of points on them, you have less on units...
There are loads of threads on here full of pictures.. Have a bit of a look through the pages yourself, also look in the Painting Logs subforum.
Huh. I just saw that on Warseer. Looks good! I really like the green around the bottom of it.
Re: The army of Tsunami (WIP mounted scar veteran 15/10) Looking good, nice work so far!
Haha thanks T'hinker'er, but really it is as much the model itself as my painting. I think anyone could at least get close to that level, the...
I see that as more a bonus than a required feature, I have very rarely taken advantage of that and it doesn't really matter. Remember it can also...
I did not vote for the Dark Elf sorceress. While I do agree that the painting skill and technique shown is the best of entries, the choice of...
Good luck! Let us know how you go.
More attacks would make them a bit too powerful... And stupidity isn't really a huge problem with cold blooded. I think the main problem is that... Maelstrom does free shipping and customer moneyback, but Wayland's prices are usually a bit...
Wow that looks awesome! I love the look you have achieved with it! The over the top nature really feels right with the warhammer world, its very...
I mainly bought it because the islands and seascape will be very useful for Dystopian Wars. But the more I look at the ships (and particularly...
Its not a carnifex, its a genestealer broodlord. ;) Some nice looking entries, the Slann looks really cool!
If they are fairly dry, use water to to get them working again. Sometimes even if they are completely dry it is still possible to add water and...
Haha I've seen these threads before. I have a bookshelf almost exactly the same as yours! It used to be on my desk as well, but it was too tall in...
Yeah washes make a big difference with making gold stand out more, the best one for a mid tone brightish gold (like dwarf bronze) is devlan mud....
Don't complain, in Australia we pay DOUBLE the UK prices and GW has now taken away the option of us buying overseas cheaper while you can still...
Yeah it would if you wanted them to look as good, but GW obviously paints to a very high standard that most of us don't reach. However, if you use...