I'll use GW paint names as tha is what I am familiar with, there are plenty of conversion tables between different brands of paint though so you...
What colour scheme would you like for your army? At least consider something besides the GW scheme, or modify theirs a bit. Nothing wrong with...
Well, I just emailed my entry in. Good luck everyone, and congratulations to everyone who managed to get finished in time! For everyone else,...
Thats also a good idea. I will probably look to tackle the Heldenhammer and Bloody Reaver last though, or at least after 3-4 others, since those...
Yeah vallejo tends to be a bit cheaper, plus greater volume, and a much smarter bottle design which means they don't dry out and you don't waste...
You can deploy within blowpipe range regardless.. They can march 12" and still shoot.
Sweet, sounds good! More fast interest than I expected. @n810, I am on the Warseer one as well but not sure if I will post my stuff in there or...
So I briefly floated this idea in the Dreadfleet thread, and think I'd like to go through with it. This will be like the Tale of Gamers series...
Fair enough, depends on how hard you want to work at that I guess. If we are aiming for about a ship per month, that should really only take a few...
Yeah I can definitely see how you could interprete the rules both ways. I would point out that 'true line of sight' is a new rule and should take...
I don't think thats right... Again this is a blurry line because the LM book was written in 7th ed and we are now in 8th. The reason it says those...
For small things like arms and feet, you want the smallest magnets you can find. I think either 1/8 or 1/16 of an inch rings a bell for mine? They...
Its because its a year old, we ran a second one that has also finished. We might run another one in the next few months.
I got mine today as well. I have to admit, the ships are a bit smaller than I thought they would be. Very well detailed though, quite fiddly. I...
I've used amazingmagnets, worked well for me. Good prices, fast shipping.
I'm not overly happy with mine, but he is pretty much done aside from finishing the base off. Good enough anyway. I'll probably finish it off tonight.
I wouldn't quite say 5 years, but remember its not just the book. There is also model design, sculpting, moulding, casting, packaging, pricing......
Yeah that army is not too bad... *Twitches*
I have the same problems these days.. Mostly back pain and lack of attention span. Arms and hands can also cramp up. I have been playing a fair...
It pretty much stopped running because there was little interest... Was a nice little way to motivate people to paint and get involved, it would...