Welcome aboard! I’m afraid we’ll only encourage your addiction to plastic crack!
No worries, it’s immensely frustrating when that happens! Thanks for running this and putting all the effort in!
With regards to continuing, have we all changed our mind, life got in the way or have we just forgotten?
Welcome aboard!
This is slightly separate to donating blood - the process if very similar, but what you’re doing is agreeing to donate some of your stem cells...
Oh dear - I bet that wasn’t the most enjoyable experience! I’m sorry that yours was like that, however, I’ve never heard of anything else of the...
Just another small reminder just in case any of you have forgotten or missed the original post. It’s a super easy process but you could save...
Existing abilities. Being unable to counter and having healing immunity kind of disables my Jedi squad, and the Super Battle Droid thoroughly...
I’ve just seen! Looking at the abilities, it seems to me that General Grievous has always been a great counter to my Jedi team, along with the...
Here's another list I've come up with, this time a Seraphon one for 2500 points Allegiance: Seraphon Leaders: Slann Starmaster (260) - General...
Do you live near a beach? Because, if so, simply PVA glue and sand, with edging in Zandri Dust, will make for perfectly good bases for next to nothing
I know it’s heresy of the highest accord, but the first list I’ve come up with is a Stormcast one. I’d be intrigued to know your thoughts:...
Khorne Units: 1 Mighty Lord of Khorne - T 1 Bloodsecrator - T 1 Bloodstoker - F 1 Slaughterpriest - T 1 Khorgoroth - T 1 Skull Cannon - P 3...
Beastclaw Raiders Units: 1 Frostlord on Thundertusk - T 1 Huskard on Stonehorn - B 1 Stonehorn Beastriders - T 4 Mournfang Riders - B -Gargent...
Stormcast Eternal Units: 1 Lord-Celestant on Dracoth - T -Tempestos Hammer 1 Lord-Castellant - F 1 Lord-Relictor - T 1 Knight-Vexillor - F...
Seraphon Units: 1 Slann Starmaster - T 1 Skink Starseer - T 1 Skink Starpriest - F 1 Saurus Oldblood on foot - F -Celestite Warblade 1 Saurus...
Rather than create numerous different threads for each battle/list, I though it might be easier just to create one thread where I can post idea...