Welcome aboard!
Awesome army! I love your bases as well!
Fair enough!
Nobody seems to have posted in a while, so is everyone still up for continuing?
You can’t bring up misheard lyrics without this: [MEDIA]
It shows - he looks absolutely fantastic!
IKEA is Swedish, and the products are labelled as such, so for us English speakers it can sometimes be a bit of a mouthful. Speaking of IKEA......
At least from my understanding, Kroq-Gar and co. can still be summoned through the memory of them by any Slann so inclined, so I think it’s safe...
If this is still going I might as well do a few more ;) Some of what I’ve been listening to a lot recently: [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
They’re quite expensive, but I don’t see why they’d be considered more so than normal. Compared to prievious models they are exactly as I’d expect...
That’s awesome!
I would probably justify it along the lines of “The Fangs of Sotek have been engaged in a long campaign in the realm of Chamon, fighting against...
I feel like sharing some non John Williams but nonetheless beautiful Star Wars songs you may not have heard. Enjoy: [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
I agree about the background, but the Carnosaur looks epic!
Looking awesome!
You can sort of see the helmet outline from the silhouette. I agree it would be nice for some variety in choices, but Space Marines are their...
Awesome conversions!
I’m still up for continuing - I just got the feeling my last response kind of requires a response from you @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl before a...