Welcome aboard!
500 pages! [ATTACH] (Just so you know, this is now my celebration picture) I think that deserves a medal! [ATTACH]
Ah, good old Brexit. Whether you believe in it or not, I think that it’s easy to agree that at the very least in the the way it’s being handled,...
First two I get, the third, while I get where you are coming from, at first glance it seems more like “oh no, Marvel are using female empowerment...
General hatred for Captain Marvel
Heath Ledger is probably the best performance of the Joker, but I’d still say that Mark Hamil is a better Joker overall, in the same way that...
Is it me or is thread creation (and repliers) somewhat uneven? [ATTACH]
I honestly don’t get the hate for Rose Tico. From my (likely soon to be corrected) perspective, it seems that you’re projecting your hatred (which...
I would say that DC is superior to Marvel against almost everything - characters, video games, animation etc. The only part in which they lose out...
I was pretty sure that was the case, just wanted to check. I doubt we can compare political views in that way though, as while I don’t know much...
Being left leaning and being an SJW are not interchangeable. Just because someone has those political views doesn’t mean they are an ‘SJW’ who’...
This help? [ATTACH]
I tend to use whatever colour closest fits the main colour of the base’s top - my beach themed army tends to means that’s Zandri Dust for the sand...
From a business point of view it makes sense, as SCE are the starter army for AoS. When something is introduced, it tends to create new aspects of...
If we are one of the army updates, I would have thought it would likely be new Battletome and some endless spells. I can’t think of anything that...
Even that comes down to personal taste - I quite like some of them! (although I’m not a fan of the latest Sacrosanct models, and they definitely...
Too right!