if the 25% comes then it means death of EOTG. it would be just unusable. now i was thinking in buying 2 stegadons. but now i think at the best i...
for now i only have battalion so im proxing all the time :)
ok. thank you for your help. going and try to beat him with his high armour to the ground :rage: :rage:
ok the thing is he takes Throg with allows him to take trolls as core units. so his list: Throgg + 3 trolls 3 trolls 5 chaos knights 5 chaos...
noticed a stupid mistake, i need 3 cores. so took out 5 saurus and scar vets mirowed shield was changed to enchanted shield so now i have 18...
going to play againts TK army at 2250pt battle this is what im going to use: Slann +BSB + bane head + power stone +dispell scroll skink priest +...
i think this would be a totaly crappy rule. this rule would meen no normal magic pahse. armys would have one normal char and thats it. i think GW...
ok i tryed to search forrum but didint found any answer so heres the question: does Burning alignment couse flaming attacs? i played with wood...
the only thing i would take is Rinox Riders becouse i dont like salamandars nor razordon.
IMHO they are quite expensive and they are not worth it. i batter take more skinks or for more points terradons.
ok :D im new to the warhammer so dont know alot so this confused me abit :D
why cant they? if they cant so why the f**k put the hide of cold ones in the lizardmen army book?
its a great article indeed! but i think we should have another paragraf on tactics againts them :)
im not beting hoe game on it but IMHO its a nice surprise for the enemy. lie i said going to play few times to watch how does this work
i think if he tryes to save some dices for bears anger he will get quite ashock from other spells. for ex comet of casadora, thunder bolts, wolfs...
if it gets scrolled you have T6 and armour save 1+ (5+ scaly skin+heavy armour+handwep with shield) still hard to kill. and in your turn you do...
iwould like to see on of these three: wood elves; tomb kings; bretonians :)
i dont know if anybody talked about this, so im sorry if im reapeating this. i find this tactick quite nice: you take slan with the lore of...
whats bad for hit on 6? you dont move and try to hit himwhen he is close you charge. hit on 6 with poisoned attacks is guide in this way becouse...
i would take skink chief on stegadon +bane head =300 or some other item for 15 pt. you get a steg prety awsome, 4 crew men for poisoned attacks...