Yes. Same here.
Wow that's really sad. All the hospitals I have seen (here in Germany) were pretty nice places.
Even as someone who liked TLJ better than most I cannot see any way how people would prefer TLJ over TROS. To me it was a much better movie in...
Yeah that's what I meant with lazy. Same with the Nagash head.
By GW's standards that would be indeed original. But then I have to give them credit: most of the Endless spells and their models are fairly...
Think of all the joy of rebuilding it! (At least that would be the case for me. I don't enjoy looking at those complex Lego models that much, I...
Sadly most of the things I would have picked are already done by other armies so now they would be a tad lame: - huge comet crashing down...
Yeah I know, I just wanted to bring it up again since the topic was navigation just now.
Same for the guy playing Ramsey Bolton. (Or the guy playing Jar Jar. And many others)
That's impressive indeed!
My thoughts exactly. I don't mind it but to me it screams Sci-Fi.
That's ok, not every game is for everyone. :)
The numbers I read were only from retail and online sales. We have a few numbers about that. Or rather estimates that match up with rumors and...
Nice try, but 40k is far, far down the list of my favorite things. :)
Although I have a YT account I have actually never liked a video. And now my OCD tells me that I have either to keep it that way, or pick a really...
Sadly cannot like this post twice.
This is certainly a factor, but another big one is that they got rid of that old, bloated rule set that was a huge hurdle for beginners. To learn...
I'll have to dig it up but IIRC it was someone from GW who said that. Lack of commercial success was one of the main reasons to drop WHFB in the...
I think you should wait for the new Seraphon book and see if your favored playstyle will be supported in AoS, and then give it a try. AoS is a...
Welcome to Lustria! I think you made a good decision. AoS may have had a clunky start, but it is quite fun to play now and the lore is growing...