I have ordered my 5e books already (I will return to D&D together with a few friends soon), so in a few days I might be able to contribute...
To be honest: "Cats" has always been quite creepy to me. I don't know what is more horrible: those CGI fur suits or the real ones in the musical.
I think the main reason why it was so hard for them to defend themselves is that they were stuck down there in the planet's atmosphere, with the...
I never experienced it myself but I heard that it happened to someone once. A friend of my uncle. Must have been in the 60s IIRC. Whether it...
Happy Holidays to y'all!
I also saw the Picard trailer. I am carefully optimistic.
I just saw the movie, and while I didn't like a few things about it I was pleasantly surprised. It was an entertaining movie, and the rest of the...
You could also pick a continent or two and add some fjords.
I don't see that. It would not make sense to phase out the Slanns while keeping the other resin models. Why would LoSaT not work with real...
Can't wait to see it. I keep away from most of my usual sites right now, because I don't want others' likes or dislikes influence my judgement....
Slaanesh, Skaven, FEC, Fyreslayers, DoK and Ossiarchs are probably the most significant ones. But they cause problems for everyone, not only...
I don't think there is much we can do against some armies (like you experienced against FEC). But keep in mind that you did win 75% of your...
:D :D
They really are! I used that technique (in blue with white) for my Saurus Guard and I was quite surprised how easy it was. I am not the most...
The weapons also look great btw. :)
Oooh! Looking at my phone's screen I didn't even notice the seams were painted on. Great job! And I also like the highlights on the purple armor....
Hmmm that definitely looks AoS, unless... maybe it is LotR? Is that a symbol we know?
After reading through the 5e rules I think I might actually prefer it to my beloved 3.5e rules, because it got streamlined without getting dumbed...
It is a bit like with numbers, Americans find it weird to write the 7 with the crossbar, while Germans constantly mix it up with a 1 if they write...