These "unfinished" story events could be what's driving us towards AoS 3.0. Maybe they are establishing the narrative for the new version of the...
Washing usually does darken or dull a bright color. I think @Imrahil is right. You'll probably have to highlight the model after washing/toning...
I'm thinking about this list for an upcoming battle vs. Blades of Khorne. A few notes: Coalesced is a must (narrative thing with no subfaction)...
Thank you. I assumed that was correct, but I wanted to make sure. Hmm... it will probably be easier to put a unit of skinks behind/in front of them.
I apologize if this has been asked and answered before, but how do the rules for Kroxigor work? Does a unit of skinks (or skink hero) have to be...
Some Kroak ideas... What if Kroak had a flexible number of unbinding attempts based on the total number of casts from the opponent? Basically, he...
Sorry @Putzfrau that was just me being kind of snarky. I don't REALLY think we'll get a new book, but it was a critique of the quick "re-release"...
I can almost see us getting the LRL treatment of a whole new book this year.
Or is Pinocchio a Mandalorian?
I don't know how interested you are in GW's contrast paints, but you could possibly test a model with a base of something like Temple Guard Blue...
Agreed. However, I'm surprised you haven't pointed out what I assume might be your favorite part of the model. The Stormcast head & skulls in the...
I can respect that. At least the old/current model is easy to field based on the size. I agree that his head/face does look more "alive" in this...
Respectfully, I think there is a human need to tell these kinds of stories. I don't know this for a certainty, but I feel that the "hero's...
That one with the Falcon is just a heart breaker.
Mordheim... what a fun game. I will say that I like the sculpts and design of several of the Underworld warbands, but I think the art on the...
LIZARDS WON! Not even Settra can oppose the Will of the Old Ones. ;) Seriously, this is just what I expect from someone's first game... gotta...
Pretty cool looking vampire hunters.
What if the Eternity Warden has a feature like this? Eternal Defender: The presence of the slann imbues an Eternity Warden to shrug off blows...
Not to mention a fair bit of points sitting in reserve.