What a unique painting scheme ! Amazing
How's the progress of painting on this awesome conversion ?? Really looking forward to it :D
You are actually amazing at tutorials. I 've never done anything similar and I have no questions after reading it. Maybe you need to start writing...
I have 2 posts of battlereports finished with a Sunclaw list that contains 50warriors - 1 of the unit is 30 man power so you can see how sturdy /...
Even if there is I don't know of it ! :p
FINALLY ! After so long this tournament write up will be completed ! Round number 3. Title : I was NOT prepared. Scenario : Border War * as you...
So apparently they 've made a team for our race as well and the miniatures look nice. Not sure why they did not upgrade the name to Seraphon. Any...
These are truly amazing !
Looking forward to the battlerep !
Thanks a lot, will do !
Wow this is truly fantastic ! You sir are quite the artist !!
Agreed with @Lachlin the terradons don't really synergize with the rest of your army. I'd suggest to drop them for the golden Chamo Skinks. Can't...
Gotta love those bases ! I'm buying mine asap ! At the very beginning of your magnetizing experience how hard was it? I intend to start pretty...
The real issue is that you play 1000 point games :p While they are lots of fun, the points are just too little to recover from some bad dice or be...
Back when I started to build my 1st 2k I went for the Sunclaw Starhost because it was the easiest at the time. My local meta is really cheesy but...
From my personal experience, I wouldn't count on those 6s ! The attacks are few, you won't get as much * to be honest I avoid using ScarVet as a...
A nice battlerep with awesome photos ! Sounds like fun indeed and the game couldn't have gone differently after failing the terradon damage due to...
I'd suggest 2 things : use starlight on him so EVERYTHING that targets him gets -1 to hit. Use the 2nd starpriest to mystic shield him for a 3+...
Stegadon costs 260 - guess you meant Troglodon ! I 'd place 5 chamo skinks, these folks are just too useful to not be included ! Last 160 points...
Please do !