Good luck !
I took part at an awesome tournament at Saturday .. *after I finish the last battlerep I m starting this one !* Seems like a really nice list but...
I 've played 12 games so far. I have 6 Major Victories. Chameleons were the reason in all 6. *literally
Slann is really beautiful. Loved the chamo solution :D:p
Nice job, really interesting color scheme ! I also love the tongues, made me realise that I need to work the ones on my saurus :p
Thank you very much @Bowser, giving the answer once again ! Does it cost 100p ? Any ideas ?
They are definitely game changing, try our battle report forum, they were decisive in all 3 I ve uploaded !
hey guys, So I was wandering : is there any mage worth of 100points that can make an Order Unit immune to battleshock ? Can't recall one right...
I must admit that although I started Seraphon with the pure goal of a skink army, haven't played one so far because I started with the Start...
Sorry I didn't make the proper question ! I meant that since they stopped making the model they are planning to repeal him later on right ? *He...
Speechless once again ! Looking forward to the first "Official Hardcore Conversion Army" and your 1st place award :cool:
Awesome, thanks a lot !
A fantastic model overall, an excellent indeed ! May I ask how did you manage to have your gold shine in such a tremendous way ?
By the way, although I do love the Skink Chief I don't even try to build lists with him for tournaments since I thought that he is not legit...
Finally finished the 2nd round as well, hope you 'll enjoy !
Well done ! Shadowstrike formation indeed cannot include salamanders unfortunately ! It can only be for Skink Priest Starpriest of batallion and...
Best answer ! :D
I promise I ll finish this until tomorrow. Working 12 hours a day while also trying to do my hobbies and see some friends really kept me away from...
*** Will start editing the 2nd battle here - couldn't upload more than 10 files in the first post so I 'll just make a 2nd one. Sorry for the...
"I was thinking of creating such a list, it's a really nice idea. Too bad we can't have a shadowstrike within in order to snipe heroes that can...