@DeathBringer125 This is the text [ATTACH]
+2 is the best save you can have so no point stacking more even if it is possible.
Slann up and summon lots, use Lords of space and Time to grab objectives etc etc.
Yeah do they, that's the beauty of them ;) These have arms that can be detached and a head strap attached....
Cool, will get them finished and photos done.
My order is in CESMHMROSS Ometéotl, Supreme Sorecerer - Bases : Round CESMHTCW Tonatiuh, Coatl whisperer - Bases : Round CESMAr Archeoptl -...
It bloody hurt like hell at first so I took the spec arms off and used the head strap very comfy after.
@Itepixcauh style is high contrast that's why it looks so good, he is very clever how he uses colour on a model, look how the red is offset with...
@Lord-Marcus I will finish mine tonight but can't upload pictures until tomorrow, is that acceptable?
Now that is quite a bold statement and one that needs reasoning. I first started this hobby way back in 1984 and being young found painting hard...
It's an expensive model and one that you only need one off, I have 3 would I buy another for a comp? Answer nope and it's hard to make something...
In the UK it's usually Saturday when they update the website.
I sort of came up with an idea for my ironjawz, like they are Seraphon hunters but I have not had the time to do anything with it yet.
Another 12 months then .........
They will go up this Saturday
The site has spam filters and it won’t let you edit until your over a certain post limit, I think it’s set at 20 posts, once your past that you...
Arghhhhhh, now I'm disappointed.
Welcome aboard ;)
Me too.
They most be releasing something at a guess, why would you bother updating the warscroll and adding summoning points for a model that you would...