I asked Sammy to do it, because I can't figure out how to. :D
Hey all! Since I made a tutorial on how to post pictures, I thought I'd make one on how to do links as well. This one's easy. First, type in the...
Hey all, since there seems to be a little confusion on how to post up pictures, I thought I'd make this brief little tutorial. You will need, of...
You have to upload them onto photobucket or some other such site, and then copy and past the url for the image and then put after it.
If your light source is behind you, or to the side, you'll get better pictures. Right now your camera is being a little flooded.
I just hate the look of them. I've seen a couple of them in Lizardmen armies, and I think they just look poopy. Especially when compared to the...
Re: 300 point club - May Submissions due by June 7th! Sounds cool. I'll probably have a Salamander Hunting Pack, some Saurus Warriors, and a...
Ugh, I really don't like Reaper minis. I've been planning to scratch build my own Coatl for a while now, using a ton of Green Stuff and the Lord...
I don't really like the standard. It reminds me of an angry Ernie. [attach] And that just ain't kosher. I have mixed feelings on the color you've...
It's... that's.... huh... guh.... I'm speechless.... AMAZING!
Alright, somebody suggested this tactic on the MWG forum, and I thought I'd see how some real Lizardmen players like it. :smug: you start out...
Not bad, but if you want my honest opinion, I've never been a fan of the toy dinosaur type of modelling. I am a fan, however, of your Slann,...
It's quite good! I can't wait to see some Saurus done up the same way.
Temple Guard really aren't on the "chain of command". They're just bodyguards, really. If something is bugging the Slann, it's their job to...
Really, you shouldn't be fielding Temple Guard without a Slann. There has been some discussion as to whether the reverse is true, and it's really...
Those are very cool indeed!
Skaven is to Dragon as Pretzel is to Drunk Guy.
Five inches is quite a bit, Strewart. That's about the length (not the height) of a Carnosaur model, if my guesstimation skills are up to par. If...
As a general rule, I never use any non-GW models, but I still think these look cool. 8)
Since a spear is a one-handed weapon, you can indeed have a spear and a shield.