I would say that, since it directly compares it to a Slaan palanquin, it operates in the same way, but with Skinks instead of TG.
The smaller the magnets are, the harder it will be to work with them, but also they will show up less if they're smaller. For the switching of...
It's a pretty solid list, very similar to my own. The Razordon/Salamander question is still up in the air, and so far, Salamanders have been...
Believe it or not, Suppe actually has some good advice here. I always copy my army lists and other lengthy posts from Notepad or MS Word. It's...
Hey, it's really coming along well! I love those Kroxigor, and the rest of your army is looking just as good! Even those fifth edition models...
Re: More carnosaur pics Hmm, now that you mention it, I think the tongue could use some better blending. Right now, it's pretty much purple with...
Re: Aranigej's Painted Minis I've seen ogres done before with a snowy mountain theme for the bases before. It really looks good. If all else...
Welcome to our site!
Re: More carnosaur pics It looks really good!
Well they actually did quite well, if I remember correctly. That battle was almost half a year ago. In the future, try to keep your posts to more...
Though I'm not surprised you're confused by a 3-word sentence, posting links is really quite easy. All you have to do is copy the link and paste...
Welcome! I'm sure you'll find that everyone here is full of knowledge and advice! See you around! --A
It's a CD that I glued a piece of paper over to cover the hole in the center.
Re: Skink Commandgroup Those are looking real good!
It's called the Ring of Hotek, if I'm not mistaken. It's in the Dark Elf Army Book. Basically, and please correct me if I'm wrong, it causes enemy...
Heh, I'll do that, seeing as how I have no money for miniatures. To get my Games Workshop fix, I have to make a lot of terrain (or paint my...
I would be very interested in a Slaan Mogwai-Priest :D
They're not much different, but I'd say go with the first.
Those are mighty nice! Where did you get the shield for the last Skink?
Hey guys, here's the latest piece of terrain that I made! Hope you like it! [attach] [attach] [attach] The materials used are: an old CD...