Beautiful until I got to the last picture. DE Cold Ones should stay in the DE army. Just my $0.02 CDN.
This is a test. Hmm, you're right. I wonder what's up?
Yes, it looks like you picked up the wrong one by mistake. Or maybe your concept of 'new' is a little shaky.
Yes, but make sure it's not your garden variety spray paint. The stuff they sell at GW is especially for coating miniatures with because it has...
With any model, but especially with metal models, it is often necessary to first clean them in warm soapy water, and then give them a coat of...
It's actually on the Tiktaq'to page. It says: "Zwup follows all rules for normal Terradon except that after he has used the Drop Rocks special...
Yes, I've noticed, but they're not massive errors. The worst one is on the Terradon's page, where it refers to page XX.
Yea, it was on the Auzzie GW site for the longest time.
Definitely invest in or borrow a better camera. Better pictures will generate better feedback from people. From what I can see, though, it's...
Re: 300 point club That's 175 points, my mathematically challenged friend. A conversion would boost you to 275, and then you only have to justify...
They look like typical aquarium plants, although I've been wrong before (only once, but still...).
Not bad at all. It looks like you're struggling with mold lines, though. I recommend scraping them off with your hobby knife or one of the...
If you want your metal to be REALLY clean, try soaking it in nail polish remover and brushing it with an old toothbrush. That's how I strip metal...
I moved this to Lesser Races, because I think it's appropriate. From what I've heard, GW is trying to get rid of Dogs of War. Notice how they're...
Yes, maybe an epic kitbash is in order!
The trick is to use Charadon Granite and wash with Badab Black (I find, anyways). It looks black enough, but there's enough difference between the...
Non-dairy creamer is flammable. It is illegal to hunt camels in the state of Arizona. The world’s youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in...
Re: Awesome Lizardman accessories (homemade) Also, It's not homemade. The exact same picture was featured on the Australian GW site some months ago.
Don't know, don't care. But it's on page 56 of the current one.
All weapons have their own special abilities. Spears enable the second row of a unit to attack as well as the first. Read the rulebook.