I would say no. Consider the Feb '07 White Dwarf issue, where the Venerable Lord Kroak was fielded with a unit of Temple Guard, but a regular...
Hehe your color scheme Tikkl'es Mi...
I'm planning on converting my 6th ed. Stegadon to a Mazdamundi model.
They're looking really awesome so far!
To be honest, since February 7th, I have only ever taken Beasts.
It looks like they could use a bit more highlighting. I'm guessing that they're painted with Scorched Brown? You could use some Bestial Brown and...
Hmm, I was hoping they were going to fix the issue of it looking like it was carved out of a block of fail.
I think you're talking about this kind of thing? DISCLAIMER: I DID NOT PAINT THESE MODELS OR TAKE THESE PHOTOS [attach] [attach] [attach]
Re: 300 point club That's one thing I like about the OK army. If you use over the top goryness, it still looks really good, because the Ogres are...
You can use BBC code to include images and stuff like that...
As long as you set the white balance on your camera before you take your pictures, you should be fine.
See you on TPV, you lazy Dutchman.
Cool, that's a not bad looking model you've got there.
Looks like it's coming along pretty well. Keep it up!
Well, the Old Ones weren't advanced enough to not get their arses handed to them by Chaos. As for the question 'Why are Slaan frogs?', the same...
Cool, I love the orange color scheme. It's different from the usual blues and greens. The bases are looking really good, too. It looks like you're...
Make the 'Back' button your friend.
Re: 300 point club - March Submissions due by April 7th! Those certainly are very gory! Well done!
Cool, that's a neat idea.
That looks really good! If you're worried about the shininess, then some matte finish will be your friend. Even if it's really shiny now, it'll...