I converted my charmeleons from normal skinks. Adding some detail to the bases, cutting the crests off, a little bit of other minor work and will...
Australia is somewhat divided. WA, Vic, SA, Tas are all mad AFL fans, nobody even knows the difference between rugby league and union. NSW, ACT...
Thats quite a lot of skinks to paint! Looking good so far, I'm keen to see them complete in a unit. ;)
I'm really on the fence about this one... The islands are cool (even if they are giant skulls), the mat is cool, most of the ships look good.......
I would probably remove the priest and engine to replace with normal/ancient steg, few extra saurus to boost the units, and if you have the points...
Yeah the main rulebook has a list of over 50 magic items that any army can use, they're in there.
Hmm I'd probably think the other way around to Angrem since spears can fight deeper into their unit. Either way, about 24 is the smallest you...
Salamanders! With -3 to AS, they will be very good at killing knights. Plan on getting first turn; he will pray. Make your units as solid as...
Yeah that is a pretty spectacular stegadon alright! I really like the necrosphynx in that thread too.
Hmmm interesting idea having another steg instead of one of the units of saurus. I'd probably find that idea more fun, might give it a go at some...
They can't use inspiring presense... BUT they can use the leadership of the highest model in the unit for all tests, which happens to be his 10....
Ancient steg is better. The giant blowpipe shots can be very effective if needed!
Unfortunately, yes it will cook a Temple Guard.
Its now up to order. http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/blogPost.jsp?aId=18300007a The ships look really nice, but only 10 of them.. For...
Very cool looking! Nice find.
Standard and musician are pretty much required for any decent sized infantry unit. Its free combat resolution, if you don't take them then you...
Very nice, thanks for the report! Can you elaborate a little more in your tactics when you get a chance? I actually can't see where you had...
Support units do not need to kill at least their points value to be worth it. If a steg combo charges with some saurus, and only kills 5 men, but...
You are wrong. Check the LM FAQ, the 'great reach' special rule is removed due to supporting attacks. The kroxigor now just get supporting attacks...
Its because in 7th edition (when our book was written) a carnosaur lord could join units. They changed it for 8th ed. Cold one characters can...