Yeah that would certainly be a very hard unit to remove. Massive hordes like that are basically impossible to move unless you can flank charge,...
I used lore of light for the first time last night, and came up with a few awkward questions in terms of its effect, particularly the net spell....
A slann is pretty much the best spell caster in the game except possibly Teclis, so we win in that regard. However, chaos lors of magic are very...
I've sent in my entry, a BSB for my HE army, but this month is going to be pretty busy so I might not be able to see him finished. Will certainly...
I have made a few small changes to my old 2500 point list, and completed building it so I can now play proper big battles. I'll be trying the list...
Nope, the rules for jungle poison say non-magical shooting attacks. The bolt thrower does have poison.
No random terrain rules. No 6th level spells. Thats pretty much it. The former is because having only a 16% chance of a piece of terrain being...
Sure might as well.
They are certainly powerful this edition, but not overpowered. They cost a load per model and as stated, die rather easily. In 'standard' battles...
Yeah essentially if you get charged in the rear, and have an incomplete rank there, you fill the back rank with models in front. This unit of O...
Hey mate, I have to say this is very impressive! It looks like a very fun different take on LM, still powerful but only if used in the right way....
Yeah but the advantage of the TG is higher strength to deal more damage, and they provide great protection for your Slann, plus get stubborn when...
Non-metallic metal. Its the effect of painting metallic areas of a model with flat paints (greys and yellows instead of silvers and golds) with...
I got my Collector's Edition. Must say, very impressive! Best Collector's Game I've had in a while. It folded open like a book with gold leaf,...
Yeah I'd agree that WL and PG are the better choices.. But not by much. Against armies without much long range, SM will be awesome. I'd say it...
Hey mate, you need to upload your photos somewhere else first.. Check this thread for step by step instructions.
Keep in mind the +1 to dispel for HE mages does NOT stack, so you don't get +2 for having two mages. The archmage already gives you that +1....
Thats pretty good! I am expecting fairly low quality, the value will be in being immersed in the cool 40k universe. Firewarrior was certainly a...
Looks like its started now since the closing date is only a month or so away.. 40k models do have equivelant base sizes. Most of the troops go on...
Hmm very tempting to do my Slann now instead... Though his palanquin is already started so probably ineligible. I'll stick with an elven battle...