Wow.. It doesn't feel like 4 years since the HE got an update, still would have thought they'd be a long time off. At the moment, no one really...
Yeah thats right, so again CoC get a bit of a hit to their usefulness, but skrox units as flankers should almost always have a couple ranks.
It goes to prove once again that Aus prices are insane, when Forgeworld has become the budget option fo Australians. It is also cheaper to order...
Yeah some small parts can be hard to pin, but really a pin need only be 1-2mm in length and it makes a massive massive difference to the strength...
Haha thats a cool idea, and a very very cheap way to make them. I think I would still prefer some kind of model on there (just using plastics...
Well the poll doesn't close until tuesday, but at the moment the saurus unit converted from orcs (number 3) is clearly winning. I have emailed...
Wow.. I actually preferred only seeing the side view pic (first one). He looks weird to me from the front. The 'helmet' looks cool, the back...
That is the other side of the coin; have a goal to aim towards wil definitely help keep you motivated! I wish you well with that. I am currently...
More likely they are spoiled by parents who would rather pour money into a creative hobby than yet more console games..
Wow those photos look pretty rough... I might have to send some aid over. I've lived through a few small earthquakes, actually slept through the...
Yeah I have been eyeing that model since it was released a month or two ago... It really is an amazing model, and a pretty decent price as well....
Wow that is a lot of reconstructive surgery... I hope the fourth one goes well for you. From what I have seen, it is rare to get a knee like that...
Haha nice work! These ones are cool.
Haha nice! You should put a link to this thread in your sig. ;) I certainly didn't notice until you posted in LM Discussions since I don't read...
Very nice! The base looks great! And congratulations or the new member in your family. :)
I'm very pleased that I have the metal one. Failcast is very expensive, and GW claimed the mark up in price was because of the absolutely...
Firstly, I will move this from tactics to Painting and converting I think. :) Secondly, did you clean the model at all before painting? It always...
Yeah a few rocks would be good. I also find a few small bare patches (sand painted brown) looks good to break up the grass a bit. I know you are...
I'm a ripe old 23... Its all been heading downhill lately already. :P
Woops. Thats what happens when you are in a hurry. :)