I thought it was for this: [MEDIA]
Brooks was here...
Welcome aboard!
I found the same when I was messing around with it. Awesome Warscroll!
I just used Macragge Blue as my undercoat spray in the first place. That way (if you aren't fussed about the scales being exactly Kantor Blue) you...
I've just watched it now - honestly, I don't think it's worth wasting your time on. It tells you nothing you won't already know about Seraphon,...
I can access them through iBooks - here they are: (I hope you don't mind me doing this @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl) [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
The first season was a little young in places, but later seasons were much more mature. As for Merlin and Raven, I haven't really seen either, so...
Sounds great! I agree with you about the 'Revenant' models - they look a bit off to me. With your Gloomforest Spawn idea, were you at all inspired...
I love how nobody ever mentions the real reason why they like Daughters of Khaine ;)
Just at TFNation at the moment! So many transformers! My current takings: [ATTACH]
I used water bases for mine too, although I did it in blue so as to be more like the sea. It's looking great so far, and I look forward to seeing...
Welcome aboard! I only got into the hobby once AoS had begun, but personally I really enjoy it!
As far as I can tell, the Saurus and the Skinks are just the basic Seraphon colour scheme they give you the guide to on the app (under Saurus...
It's certainly the most amazingly painted model I've ever seen!