Welcome aboard!
I do quite like the Hammerhal Herald. It adds a sense of humour to the Mortal Realms
I think that if they'd have replaced Holdo with him (at least for the hyperspace jump) it would have been the perfect send off... ...Apart from...
Awesome, I think that's a great idea. Models look fantastic!
Far Horizons still does it for me when it comes to beauty, and transporting you to a place often far bettter than where you are listening to it
Awesome battle report and cool looking army to boot! I also approve of your choice of the Skyrim OST - blood pumping adrenaline in the same album...
Is this the Cold One colour scheme you're looking for? [ATTACH]
The only opponent I really regularly go up against is that of a Khorne army, so a lot of it would be based around that. The question about adding...
I'm thinking of starting up a "trophy system" for my Seraphon forces. My bits box currently has a lot of skulls and teeth to hang off of things,...
I agree. If you live fairly close to the beach, next time you're there pick up some shingle and add it to your bases. I did that with mine and it...
It's not just a film... https://www.gocomics.com/overthehedge
I'm just going to say it: I really liked TLJ, I thought the characters were good, it was funny, the good bits outweighed the bad and were more...
I've seen the entire series and it's fantastic. The characters are great and as the series progresses, you get to know them better. Each series is...