I suppose you could argue that, but I'd never heard of Darth Nihilus before they added him, and how many people do you think know Ima-Gun Di?...
I think the Malevolence would be the best ship for that. The Ion Cannon would be a great 'Start on cooldown' ability for it...
I don't like ships 2.0 either. I feel like I might lose quite a few spaces on the leaderboard. The Solo characters are alright, although with them...
I feel like I kind of want Malign Portents to end like this: Nagash has almost completely succeeded in his plan to turn all the realms into Shyish...
Love it! There's a riddle like this: A man is sentenced to prison. The judge allows him to make a statement. If it is false, he will sentence him...
@Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl with Empire is like you with SCE, but with less excited anticipation, is less central to his life and is in...
Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead were their episodes. "Hey, who turned out the lights?"
Personally I think the Vashta Nerada take the cake. You'll never look at shadows the same way again... Weeping Angels are pretty creepy as well...
Welcome aboard!
Errr, is now a good time to say I voted for the TARDIS? :p
They've just revealed how Han and Chewie met! http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/arts-entertainment/han-and-chewie-met-on-grindr-20180516164942...
It's like Donald Trump at G7...
I'm starting to think you sit there posting memes, waiting for someone to say SCE so you can say you hate them, or Tomb Kings so you can say you...
There's a surprise! @NIGHTBRINGER on an AoS thread, again! :p
Been busy painting some of my scenery now I've finally gotten round to spraying it. Just about finishe the Ophidian Archway components now, and...
Looks like we're getting another Han and Chewie. I do believe you can now make a squad entirely out of Hans now
Latest bit of "conversion" work (I have been doing other stuff, honest, I just need to post some pictures of them). Any ideas as to what to proxy...
Probably more for Star Wars fans like @NIGHTBRINGER and @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl but here are some more obscure but beautiful ones from the...
I don't mind the game becoming more tactical provided the rules aren't much more complicated. I'm already finding it difficult to get people into...