Similar. They aren't rodents though.
That's the way weasels fight. Hit and run. Another funny video from the same one: [MEDIA]
I use them for Blood Bowl. They are quite detailed and - at least in my opinion - look good and fit Blood Bowl nicely. But not everyone likes the...
Sure, contrast helps a lot. Many people (especially the old school crowd) didn't like the two movies of the sequel trilogy very much, which seems...
I didn't manage to paint my Blood Bowl Lizardmen last month so that's my plan for this month I guess.
They look really good. Nice highlights. :)
Welcome! The snakes are just for decorations. Use them as you wish. :)
Looking nice!
I agree with that.
For... certain reasons... I can only watch Mandalorian episodes every two weeks or so, so I won't be reading here much except on nights like this...
Surely not, because you have to play Simon Tatham's version, which is fair. :D
Fun fact: there are actually people claiming that the world did end in 2012 and we just didn't notice...
I think so.
Man I wish we had some country music here. (I like country) It is all crappy Christmas music here.
I agree with most of your post, but I am not sure about that part, after what I've read about how Star Wars was made. I'd say he is (or rather...
I think it might come down to preparedness. I looked up Wonder Woman, she can fly at hypersonic speeds it seems. But if Dr. Strange is prepared...
Yeah, sadly they lack one of the Bs in BBW. And it's not the one for 'big'....
They are popcorn movies. Dumb but visually appealing and you can hear cheesy one liners and see huge robots fight each other and destroy...