Oh no, there are lizardmen raiding your breakfast table! :D Nice work so far. :)
So much.
Hmmm it could indeed be Necron, but it isn't too different to this either: [ATTACH]
Yeah that second one is more like a meme, and the first one is more like a screencap comic. (Like the - quite funny IMO - Darths and Droids)
Here is the original one that I had in mind. I think it is more funny within the Vader+Kenobi dialogue but the quotes fit so well together....
Thanks! Yeah I really made that one myself. I just couldn't merge the pictures together to one meme, because I created the memes on my phone.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I admit it is not quite as funny as it sounded in my head. Except Vader using Han's quote. I find...
Hehehe, yeah, that's really dithering! I do 3-4 color dithering with my drybrushing technique, and I'd say even that is enough for the tabletop....
I haven't seen the other shows you mentioned, but fully agree here.
Yeah, I admit that I usually just drybrush transitions because I lack the skill/patience to do transitions using shades or glazes. :D
What I usually do with feathers: - paint all white first. That makes the colors shine. - paint all yellow - paint a third green, and a third...
That's a nice looking Skink! :)
Matthew Inman is a damn funny man.
Ok at the very least those games will be hilarious. I've never seen two DS in a list. :D Good luck!
Looks like it can be hilarious if the enemy doesn't manage to bring mortal wounds to the table.
Then another user suggested to compare to the fastest super computer available at some point (like for example the day of someone's birth). This...
Related XKCD: [ATTACH] Just for laughs I tried to figure out what was the first PC I had that exceeded 1 GFLOPS. It was the Pentium III, 1000...
Hey y'all! Cross-posting this from another forum because it might be entertaining for some. So, today I ran this old gem on my phone, on...
Welcome! Thats a nice model!