95% agree there. I disagree with the part where he seems to claim that people should do this only for themselves and not for others. Which I...
Yeah I had the same problem.
Yeah the opening week usually is pretty important. There are good movies that have made some decent money despite a slow start, but that's not common.
No, he was someone named John Bosley.
I've seen videos how to do this. Nice technique.
Ok we watched the two episodes. We both liked them. German voices are good, too.
Going to watch the first two episodes of Mando today. I was surprised to see that they are already available in German (I would watch them in...
I never shave (full beard), but I am curious: what about it could be political?
I have a Harder & Steenbeck "Infinity", but the very similar "Evolution" is cheaper and it does its job well for my buddy who has that one. H&S...
Ooooohhhh that one is nice! I will start painting my own team next week. Your model sets the bar very high though!
I feel you. I am also a bit too empathetic to really be a fan of many Horror movies/books.
And man, I just noticed that I have three movies on my list made by M. Night Shyamalan... ...who also made some really crappy stuff.
I think that's actually more of a chance than anything else. They can begin with a small subset of armies and then expand. If they pick a point...
Yeah GW pretty much said it all the time, since the start of AoS: The Warhammer Fantasy universe isn't dead or abandoned by GW. The stuff that...
"My Neighbor Totoro" by the wonderful Hayao Miyazaki. I am not an anime fan but I like all of his movies, those are astonishing pieces of art....
Suriname toad, a.k.a. Nurgle Slann: Fascinating animal. [ATTACH]
Go ahead!
Awwwww!!!! I like that movie so much! (Although there is at least one interpretation of its story that is deeply creepy).
This triggers my OCD so much. It might slip down and land in the dirt any second. :(
Yeah I also don't think it looks Skaven style. I'd say it is something out of Destruction or the more barbaric parts of Chaos.