20psi is about right depending on your compressor. The tip drys as the paint comes out, best thing to do is after a minute or two just take the...
The splat is usually down too 2 things Air pressure or thick paint/dry tip I know you have a decent DA airbrush so what pressure do you spray...
you can do both with the airbrush, go close and slowly pull back the trigger until paint shows then draw back the air brush until you get the...
No you won't.
Your doing a great job ;)
I'll have a look at that for you ;)
I use this on all most every open mouth model. Base coat with khorne red/black mix, 95/5% Shade with Carrobourn crimson Highlight with screamer...
Seraphon, Deathrattle, Maggotkin and Ironjawz.
List 2 as you have more summoning power and can easily bring in rippers etc
That Salamander reminds me of a Newt atm
Looking good so far, are you doing the scales a different colour?
As if, these are great, are you still painting on that plank on your bed?
Welcome aboard, The easiest way to get your post count up is too browse the Painting section and comment on a few blogs or jump into let's get...
Are you wanting a GW head?
That is cool, damn it I'm going to have to rethink my Kroak
Oh yeah Doh!!
Proxy your oldblood on foot as a priest
Proxy the Oldblood on foot as a Sunblood, Allegiance: Seraphon Leaders Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One (100) Saurus Sunblood (120) - General...
Just be careful with the inks as they will run if you overload.
So I'm going to finish the endless spells and try to get the Saurus Cav done.