It's a pain. I wrap each figure individually in tissue paper and put them in a cardboard box with more tissue paper in it. Even then, I sometimes...
I think they're coming along nicely. Maybe try using some of the citadel washes, and a little drybrushing of different colors, especially on the...
Craken is right, they do still have the ability to drop rocks.
Here's the finished Command for my Saurus Warriors. The pictures are crap; I will take some better ones later on in the week. My idea is that if I...
Dropkick Murphys, The Offspring, Beck, Rise Against, Flogging Molly, HORSE the band, Queens of the Stone Age, System of a Down, NOFX, In Flames,...
Wow, I hadn't even heard about those until I read your post! Those are definitely awesome, and now I'm bummed for missing out! Warpuppy has a...
I buy mine from Magcraft. They have the same size of rods (1/16'' x 1/16''), plus some really small disc magnets (1/8'' x 1/16'') that I think...
And with only 40 points difference! Here. They're super small (the smallest at 1/8'' diameter) and super strong (the weakest at .3kg).
Oh, hehe, I guess I forgot to do that.... :oops:
I would be more inclined to start with a coat of Charadon Granite, then Codex Gray and Fortress Gray.
It has certainly been a while, eh? Well, I've been a touch busy with Midterms and the job-hunt, so my poor Lizardmen have taken the back burner a...
Ok, so here's what I did: I got rid of the Razordon, so now I have 2 Salamander units. This left me with 80 extra points. I added 2 Terradons, and...
The belly looks a little odd. There's some weird blueness happening in the crevices. I'm not sure if you're trying to add some shading, but it...
This is, I think, the only Razordon model I've seen so far (other than the GW one). I'd say it looks quite good! Good job!
Here's how I made my patinated gold look: [attach] Basecoat with Dwarven Bronze Drybrush with Shining Gold Wash of Devlan Mud Was of...
Why on a round base?
You could check out Black Tree Designs. They have some, shall we say, interesting stuff. Though fans of the 5th edition models will be more fond...
Re: 300 point club Unfortunately for me, with midterms, and Lab Reports, and trying to find a job so that I can actually afford to do all this...
Yes, however you can only have one Kroxigor for every 8 Skinks, so that would mean you'd have to have 160 Skinks in that unit.
Tell me what you think! Slaan Mage Priest Battle Standard Bearer Focus of Mystery Focused Rumination Dispel Scroll Divine Plaque of Protection...